Articles on: Searching for Leads

I got few leads

There are a number of reasons this can happen, some are outlined below.

Keyword too specific
If you make a search for example Diving Suppliers in Houston, TX, you will see far fewer results than you would in Los Angeles, CA. The maximum amount of results we can return is limited by how many actual businesses exist. D7 can find data where available but we can't create new companies in your niche.

Ensure you use the correct location from the dropdown menu. Choose the biggest city around you, not a tiny city or town. The system by default will include these areas when you search the bigger cities.

Choosing a keyword from the dropdown list will get you better results than guessing a keyword - but you can do that where you can't see your keyword available. Remember you are searching by company type, not job position, role or job type - this will return results still, but much less. Marketing Manager will get you much less than "Marketing Agency", the same as "Restaurant owner" vs "Restaurant". D7 is designed to find businesses only.

Our mistake
Sometimes our systems can fail. A simple solution is to popup on chat and ask support. Copy and paste the #searchid from your history page, along with the Keyword and City. We can clear caches and try to fix any issues with that specific keyword. We have just pushed out a huge update (yesterday) that effected around 3% of queries which would cause them to return no data whatsoever.

Updated on: 05/28/2020

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