How can I cancel my account?
We try to make it as easy as possible for users to cancel their D7 Lead Finder membership. Since you are here, I guess you no longer need the software and have enough leads to move forward.
To cancel your account, you can follow these steps:
At the top right of the page (next to the avatar), click your name.
Select “Profile”
Go to “Billing settings”
Switch “Renewals” off
Once your plan expires, it will automatically close down - you won't be billed any further. You can also click on the following link to go directly to the cancelation page:
Tip: Please export your lists before your account expires since we are only able to provide access to the system to users with an active plan. You do not know how to do that? Here you have a link for that: Can I export my lists?
Feel free to reach out on chat for further information, we are here to help.
To cancel your account, you can follow these steps:
At the top right of the page (next to the avatar), click your name.
Select “Profile”
Go to “Billing settings”
Switch “Renewals” off
Once your plan expires, it will automatically close down - you won't be billed any further. You can also click on the following link to go directly to the cancelation page:
Tip: Please export your lists before your account expires since we are only able to provide access to the system to users with an active plan. You do not know how to do that? Here you have a link for that: Can I export my lists?
Feel free to reach out on chat for further information, we are here to help.
Updated on: 09/21/2020
Thank you!